LIVE NOW: Grab the "No Brainer" $1 Deal before it's gone!

Give Us Just 7 Minutes

And you'll learn how to quickly

Build Your Brand

By Authentically Engaging With Your Growing Audience
PLUS... When you get started you are entered in a chance to win a custom basketball jersey signed by Bone Collector


There are 3 ways to build your brand

If you pick the wrong one, it could cost you everything...
Watch Bone Collector Below and Join the challenge today!


Brand Building Pro:

Want to know the FIRST Thing Bone Collector did to build his brand?

You guessed it... he'd started building his audience.

That's why Bone Collector teamed up with FlowChat to put together the 'FlowChat Brand' challenge. The FlowChat team is world calls at building the audience you need to bring your brand to the next level.

Plus... Get A Custom Basketball Jersey signed by Bone Collector

You're entered for a chance to win when you register today!

'FlowChat Brand' Challenge

In Partnership With Bone Collector

Get access to the knowledge and resources the TOP influencers in the game are using behind the scenes.
Now for the first time YOU can leverage these to blast your brand through the roof!
...And begin to monetize without continuing to feel stuck or spending a fortune.


All For The Bone Collector $1 Deal

'FlowChat Brand' Challenge


Typically there is so much opportunity around all of us, but we just don't know the right process for grabbing it! You probably sense this too! This all access pass gets you everything you need to build your brand bigger than you ever imagined.

Here's how you will build authentic connection with your audience...

  • Insider Look At What Top Influencers Are Doing
    Having access to the right people and training is key to getting to that next level. You are smart enough! you are good enough! You might just be missing a couple small things.

  • Surround Yourself With Like Minded Winners
    Putting yourself in the right environment can change the trajectory of your life. Not just yours but also for your friends and family!

  • Get In On These Bonuses
    Bone Collector wants to support you in building your brand! You'll be entered in a chance to win a custom signed jersey.



Meet your new best friend! FlowChat's little chrome extension is a big deal. Imagine being able to find your ideal customer anywhere on 9 different social media platforms and instantly add them to your list! 😳🤯

Here's how FlowChat's Chrome Extension builds your list...

  • Import FB Group Members To Your List
    You can now go to your FB Group or other's FB Groups and import the members. Find the FB Groups with your target audience and import them to your list.

  • Import Likes & Comments To Your List
    Now anyone that likes or comments on your content cans instantly be added to your list! AND... get this! You can also import the ideal customers from any post on social media!! Crazy!

  • Import Your DM Convos
    Let's face it, DMs are a mess! How do you keep track of your actual followers, personal friends and weed out the spammers. Now you can add tags and easily keep track of your DMs!

30 Days Of Access To


First you need the right tools! Imagine having to navigate in today's world without a smart phone! 😳 Our phones are one of the most powerful tools man has created!

Well not having the right tools for building a powerful brand is just as insane!! Rest assured we have you covered! By joining the challenge you'll get 30 days FREE access to FlowChat!

Here's how FlowChat supercharges you building authentic connection with your audience...

  • Engage With Your Audience
    The problem is a growing and successful brand is keeping up with everything. You need the proper systems and automations to win. FlowChat can help you get that done!

  • Fortune is in the follow up
    Following up with your most loyal fans is now possible. Getting at least 7 to 13 touch points is the industry average for where 80% OF SALES come from. Follow up is key!

  • Multi-Platform
    You can scale with FlowChat as it currently works with 9 other social media platforms!

Let's Do This Together


You know what sucks?! Wasting time wondering what the next step is!! Well you can just hop on a LIVE call with FlowChat Support team of rockstar specialists! These are people that are entrepreneurs themselves. They have built massive companies and done multi-millions in sales!

Here's how you will move faster with our support...

  • Sales Strategy Support Calls
    Hop on this call and we'll map out how to double sales in less than 30 days. Picking the right strategy for your specific goals is a game changer!

  • World Class Tech Support
    Any computer or software stuff you get stuck with can be solved quickly. Our team will be on a zoom call with you and have you share screen. Then we can solve your exact issue for you!

  • Weekly Training On Sales Trends
    Let consumers buy the way they want to buy! In order to do this you must stay relevant to what is trending. We discuss this together each week!

The Best For Last

AI + DM SCRIPTS $4,997

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've been seeing AI take over. Well now you can leverage the power of AI to build your Brand. With FlowChat you can use AI to help you generate content ideas, write social posts, and even how to respond it DMs to boost sales!

Here's how you will benefit from AI + FlowChat...

  • Tired of Wondering What Content to Make
    With AI you can easily research what is trending and be present multiple ideas! Then you can pick what you want and put your unique twist on it!

  • Write Your Content For You
    Now you can stop wasting endless hours making content. Have AI generate endless amounts of content or social posts. Then you can select what you need and get on with your day.

  • DM Scripts
    Leverage 1,000s of DM scripts that have been proven to convert. Plus, you can us AI to rewrite new versions to always keep your DM scripts fresh!

What are you waiting for?!

This is literally THE BEST TIME to build your brand in the history of the world... AND begin having the life and career you've always wanted.

Plus ... once you complete this challenge you unlock even more special custom bonuses specifically for your brand!

Ready to create a thriving brand?

What You Can Expect From The

'FlowChat Brand' Challenge!

Before The Challenge

  • Overwhelmed with not knowing where to start

  • Annoyed wondering how others are blowing up and it never happens for you.

  • Frustrated with all the work it takes but uncertain it will ever amount to anything

  • Just tired of feeling stuck

After The Challenge

  • Achieve a crystal clear process to follow

  • Predictably grow your audience

  • Consistently Increase sales

  • Get the step by step guidance you've been missing

AND there's more...

When you complete the first 7 minutes of this challenge you unlock additional FREE bonuses

FREE Bonuses!

Once you complete the 7 minute 'FlowChat Brand' Challenge you unlock...

Bonus #1

A private 1-on-1 sales strategy call

Stop guessing! Setup the exact sales process that fits your brand for monetizing.

Bonus #2

Custom Signed Jersey from Bone Collector

You'll be entered in a chance to win! Plus, check @bonecollector6's IG page daily for updates on the custom jersey reveal.

Bonus #1

A private 1-on-1 sales strategy call

Stop guessing! Setup the exact sales process that fits your brand to monetize.

Bonus #2

Custom Signed Jersey from Bone Collector

You'll be entered in a chance to win! Plus, check @bonecollector6's IG page daily for updates on the custom jersey reveal

The best way to build your brand

'FlowChat Brand' Challenge!

  • Proven methods that will build your audience authentically. The key to winning is building a list to get started and continuing to serve your audience at the highest level

  • Step by Step Training: Get off to the fast start you need by following how the pros do it! Get access to the behind the scenes systems the top influencers are using to build their brand.

  • Weekly LIVE Support: You'll be surrounded with other talented influencers building their brands. One of the biggest keys to success is getting the support you need when you need it!

Complete the challenge and unlock...

  • Bonus #1
    1-on-1 Strategy call to take your brand and sales to the next level.

  • Bonus #2
    You'll be entered in a chance to win a custom basketball jersey signed by Bone Collector

Normally a $7,835 Value

Today: $1 Deal


A training and proven processes to build your brand


Immediately upon signing up. Sign up now to get the $1 deal


because this is YOUR time to build YOUR brand and the life you deserve.

Now's the time to act!

Ready To Build Your Brand To New Heights!

Learn the behind the scenes strategies and systems that the top influencers in today's world are using. Get access to these 'tricks of the trade' to build your brand and monetize like never before.

Plus a chance to win a custom basketball jersey signed by Bone Collector!

© 2021 C.O.R.E. Enterprises LLC

4730 S. Fort Apache Rd Ste 300, NV 89147, USA